A House Divided

Scripture Reading - Mark 3:24-25 KJV

24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

Greetings fellow believer in the Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you today while he fills you with all Peace. Today we are speaking on an important topic for the Body of Christ that is prevailing throughout the world. Yes the reality of one person against another person or a group of people opposed to another group of people is usually a problem. We (ihlcc) say usually because it is possible to live in harmony with other people who look at life differently than you but takes walking in God’s Love to do it effectively. This means it usually takes a peaceful person with maturity (who practices putting others ahead of one’s self) or a group of people who are developed in not judging others to live comfortably with someone else who is of an opposite opinion. We know generally even in leadership Democrats are divided against Republicans and certain high ranking Republicans are against high ranking Democrats which means they have a lot of debates and disagreements hindering them both from making the best decision. We have heard there are some issues they agree on but their political party platform won’t allow them to work together. Yes, even outside of America other nations of the world are often divided against neighboring nations which causes lying, bitterness, hatred and even war when opposition is brought to a head. War we know causes more stealing, more killing and more destroying which is in line with Satan’s agenda according to John 10:10a “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:” We notice in the same verse that “I (Jesus) am come that they (the children of God) might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” This clearly points out that division is not God’s Will but rather the will and purpose of the enemy. The devil divides while Jesus unites. This is why we (ihlcc) are concerned about the Church of Jesus Christ. Yes we don’t mind going there, when mentioning the issue of wearing a mask or not is causing some church members to speak harshly against other church members. Yes, ordained teachers of the gospel against other inspired teachers of God. Pastors of large churches speaking openly and candidly about their stance on the subject while criticizing other churches. Know we not that when we critiquing a Child of God we are critiquing God because we are one with Jesus. Whatever we do unto a Christian we are doing to God Himself according to Matthew 25:40. Yes, our faith friends, the argument about every one getting an injection (the jab and/or vaccination) or no one receiving it is causing much debate and strife in the Body of Christ. The problem we see is that while the church studies the pros and cons of the pandemic going on in the world today the teaching of the Holy Bible concerning God’s love and His plan for our great salvation is neglected and in some cases not even mentioned in church while mask and vaccinations are freely given in those same churches. We know if you’re not hearing the Word of God in church the chances are minimum that you’ll hear it in the world. Yes, we believe some churches and some people have lost their focus. We should all be focused on God’s Will according to the Word of God because that is our sole source of God’s Life and His Peace which we desperately need right now. People ask us about our position but our opinion isn’t important because God’s Position should be the most important information to consider when it comes to Life and Death issues. Is not Jesus all Life and didn’t He come to give us abundant life as stated earlier. We try to the best of our ability to point them to God’s Word. Does God’s Word say He can keep you? Yes, indeed, so let that be your focus. Does God’s Word say in 1 Peter 2:24 you were healed? Yes again, indeed it does. We believe in the 91st Psalm and find great refuge in the comfort of God’s Word because we know it is not about who’s right or wrong between people but rather it’s about God’s Word (His Will) being performed on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen! So dear faith friend beloved brother or sister in Christ keep your focus and don’t allow the evil one to trick you into being divided against anyone in the Body of Christ for we are all one in Jesus Christ. Amen!